Gilson College Taylors Hill, Victoria, 2007

Street Address:

450 Taylors Road,
Taylors Hill, Vic 3037


03 9365 9365

School Category:




Local Council:

Melton City

International Baccalaureate Diploma:

VCE Students Enrolled
33 3
Number of 40+
VCE Study Scores
7 5
School Rank
(Median VCE Study Score)
197 123
School Rank
(VCE study scores 40+ %)
218 137

Who were the school's top VCE students in 2007?

Below are the 2007 top VCE students at Gilson College Taylors Hill in order of their number of High Achiever awards.

Student Name
Scores and Subjects
1 Abdeen, Hashim 2
2 Sajdl, Deborah 2
3 Do, Thi 1
4 Hafiz, Madihah 1
5 Sawan, Wayne 1

What were the school's top VCE subjects in 2007?

Below are the 2007 top VCE subjects at Gilson College Taylors Hill in order of their High Achiever award counts.

1 Biology 3 42,40,40
2 English 2 42,40
3 Physical Education 1 42
4 Mathematical Methods 1 41

School Statistics Charts

To view the statistics and trends for Gilson College Taylors Hill on the chart below, select one or more items from the dropdown list.

Multiple data items can be selected in any combination. Up to seven years of data is displayed.

Measurements and #rankings are displayed against the left axis. Percentages(%) are displayed against the right axis.

Created with Highcharts 10.3.3School Statistics and Trends, Gilson College Taylors HillThe number of students enrolled in at least one VCE unit at level 3-4.The number of VCE study scores of 40-50.School Rank (by Median VCE study score)20062007#0#100#200#300#400010203040

School Ranking Ladders

Below are the 2007 VCE school ranking ladders.

The first ladder below shows the position of Gilson College Taylors Hill when all schools are ranked by their 2007 median VCE study scores (as published by the VCAA). If two schools have equal median scores, their VCE 40+ percentages are used as a tie-breaker.

The second ladder below shows the position of Gilson College Taylors Hill when all schools are ranked by their 2007 VCE 40+ percentage measures, (as published by the VCAA). If two schools have equal 40+ percentages, their 40+ score counts are used as a tie-breaker.

Ranking positions are assigned to the top 400 schools.

Created with Highcharts 10.3.3Median Study ScoreVCE Rankings by Median Study ScoreTaylors CollegeAquinas CollegeBuckley Park CollegeCatholic College WodongaGilson College Taylors HillMaranatha Christian SchoolMount Lilydale Mercy CollegeNotre Dame CollegeSt Josephs College EchucaWerribee Secondary CollegeRank 184:Rank 197:Rank 197:Rank 197:Rank 197:Rank 197:Rank 197:Rank 197:Rank 197:Rank 197:024681012141618202224262830
Created with Highcharts 10.3.3VCE 40+ PercentageVCE Rankings by VCE 40+ PercentageSt Josephs College EchucaMaranatha Christian SchoolBrunswick Secondary CollegeBright P-12 CollegeGilson College Taylors HillNhill CollegeDimboola Memorial Secondary CollegeLake Bolac CollegeRainbow P-12 CollegeMallacoota P-12 CollegeRank 214:Rank 215:Rank 216:Rank 217:Rank 218:Rank 219:Rank 220:Rank 221:Rank 221:Rank 223:0%1%2%3%4%5%6%7%8%9%10%
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